Tuesday 8 January 2013

Is Cut4Bieber the Most Heartbreaking Hashtag Ever?

After finding out about Cut4Bieber last night, and doing a little research, I felt the need to express my opinion on it.
For those of you who don't know, Cut4Bieber was triggered by photographs of Justin Bieber supposedly smoking marijuana. His fans, or 'beliebers' as they call themselves, overreacted in their usual style. Many fans have begun posting pictures of them cutting themselves in an urge to stop him smoking.
This is obviously disturbing to hear, that teenage girls are doing this to themselves over a distant pop star who does not even know they exist.
I really worry for the mental health of these girls, as this severe overreaction appears to show over attachment and obsessive behaviour, with clear mental instability. These girls should not be ridiculed or laughed at, they need to be helped and learn the more important things in life.

Another distressing thing is the effect it may have on Justin Bieber  himself. Although I personally do not like him, and he does need to accept he is a role model for a very young audience, the pressure of this is not fair to put on anybody. He should be able to make his own choices, and his own mistakes, without fear that those actions will result in distant strangers self-harming. His fans should think about the effect these actions have on their supposed love.

Sorry to bring such a serious tone to this blog, but this is a very evocative subject, and these people need help. As well as this, Justin Bieber obviously needs to be very careful of his actions in the future.

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