Wednesday 9 January 2013

Gun Nuts Should Disown Alex Jones

Gun-nuts across America are probably cursing Alex Jones right now, and if they aren't they certainly should be. He has done far more harm to the cause than good.

For those of you out of sync with American news, Alex Jones appeared on Piers Morgan's show to defend his standpoint on the gun row gripping the USA in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. Instead of presenting a rational argument and having a healthy debate with Morgan, Jones launched into a 10 minute tirade on guns, admitting he owns 50 guns 'to protect his family' and attacking Morgan personally.

Both sides of the debate on guns have perfectly reasonable and rational arguments, so those level headed pro-gun supporters will be keen to denounce Alex Jones from their cause.

My biggest concern on this matter is about a man with such a short fuse being allowed one gun, let alone 50. It won't be long before an accident occurs, or worse, a repeat of one of the many gun rampages that have taken place in the USA. Also, how big a family does he have, that he needs 50 guns to protect them, is he perhaps Mormon?

My reserved opinion on the matter of guns is a typically British one, and I believe that had gun regulation been tighter, the tragedy of Sandy Hook may have been avoided. I am not suggesting no guns at all, merely that there should be more regulation on who can buy, own and sell them. This opinion was strengthened after Alex Jones' rant, as if he is allowed to own guns, I would worry for the safety of those around him.

If Alex Jones wishes to help the 'Right to bear arms' he should probably announce a change in heart, no one wants that guy on their side.

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