Wednesday 16 January 2013

Beefburgers? Sounds like Horse Crap to me!

Today a shocking story hit the news. Some Tesco beef burgers were found to have up to 25% horse meat in. This has triggered a mexican wave of denial throughout the supply chain and will no doubt be very harmful for Tesco's reputation.

Now, does it make me a bad person to say I don't particularly care. As long as the horse meat was sanitary and not diseased, does it really make much difference? The French regularly eat horse meat, as do many other nationalities. The meat in burgers is so ground up anyway you wouldn't have tasted anything different. 

Horses may well be cuter than cows, but in my opinion this does not make a special case for them. Dogs are even cuter and are considered a delicacy in the East. As humans we are top of the food chain, and act in an appropriate manner for this position.

The main issue here, in my opinion, is the secrecy. If Tesco wished to put horse meat in their burgers and labelled it, not many people would mind, and many would happily try it. However, as they were labelled as beef burgers it has caused a great uproar not least for Tesco themselves. It is also dangerous, for example for those with allergies may have had a reaction.

This did however remind me of a funny story. My parents once visited a restaurant in France which had a menu in both English and French, On the English side one item was labelled 'Beef Burger' on the other 'Hamburger du Cheval' French for horse) This seems to be the same as Tesco, just on a smaller scale.

Tesco: Horse's Friend or Foe?

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