Thursday 31 January 2013

Santa Maria Disaster

Belated though this is, my thoughts and deepest sympathies go out to those who lost their lives in the nightclub in Santa Maria.
The horrific scenes of escape attempts are truly hallowing, and for those who survived, that night will most likely stay with them forever.
I also offer my condolences to the families of those 231 young lives, who must be going through such hell at losing someone who had so much more life to give.

As someone who has recently reached clubbing age myself, with many friends who are students, it is very frightening to see such things, and how easily they happened.

Tighter fire regulations have been called for in Brazil, and I believe this should apply worldwide too. One extra fire door could have saved so many of those lives.

Rest in Peace.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Postsecret of the Week - I couldn't choose!

This one reminds me of a guy I saw on 'The Undateables', he was lovely!
And this one just breaks my heart

Sunday 27 January 2013

Colour Pop Heels

I would just love to have all my heels in every colour, a different pair for each outfit! Colourful heels are by far the best, here is a selection of my favourites!
One for every day of the week!


These bows make these blue shoes adorable!

Why settle for one bright colour when you can have two!

Blue with ruffles. Sexy and bright!
These Kurt Geiger heels scream Greek Goddess! I love them!

Monday 21 January 2013

Postsecret of the Week

I have spent years trying to convince my little sister she should just be herself, because the people whose opinions matter wont care, and the people who care, well their opinion just doesn't matter. Be youself, the weirdos are WAY more fun!

Friday 18 January 2013

Snow Fun

How is it that on a week in which it snows in the UK there appears to be no other news. Leading up to the appointed day of snow there is major focus on the weather reports, often as the main story, followed up with reports from gritting depots, will there be enough? Will it be gritted in time?

Once it snows we get the constant report after report on traffic disruption, snowfall region by region and the mandatory 'cute' pictures of children in the snow, snowmen and pets struggling with the weather.

Do we not have anything better to talk about? Is there not more important world news stories going on? If they reported to this extent every time it snowed in countries such as Finland they would not get round to anything else. This weather is not headline news. Maybe it could be the third or fourth piece, but should we not be focusing more on the Armenian hostage situation, or Lance Armstrong's prolific drug taking, even the devastating fire at my local pub.

Sorry to be a bah humbug but snow should not take a priority over actual life and death.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Call me Dorothy, but I've got a Thing for Red Shoes

I LOVE all heels, but for some reason I have a special place in my heart (and shoe closet), for red shoes. The glamour, the brightness, they are certainly something special.So put on your red shoes and dance the blues!

I think I am in love! These are so sexy!
Classic but oh-so-hot!

See they aren't all heels! Even red ballet shoes are stunning!

 These bows are infinitely cute! 

Studs AND bows! Naughty but nice ;)

A little bit of leapord makes these shoes quirky and brilliant

 I know I'm not the only one, so please enjoy these pictures <3

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Beefburgers? Sounds like Horse Crap to me!

Today a shocking story hit the news. Some Tesco beef burgers were found to have up to 25% horse meat in. This has triggered a mexican wave of denial throughout the supply chain and will no doubt be very harmful for Tesco's reputation.

Now, does it make me a bad person to say I don't particularly care. As long as the horse meat was sanitary and not diseased, does it really make much difference? The French regularly eat horse meat, as do many other nationalities. The meat in burgers is so ground up anyway you wouldn't have tasted anything different. 

Horses may well be cuter than cows, but in my opinion this does not make a special case for them. Dogs are even cuter and are considered a delicacy in the East. As humans we are top of the food chain, and act in an appropriate manner for this position.

The main issue here, in my opinion, is the secrecy. If Tesco wished to put horse meat in their burgers and labelled it, not many people would mind, and many would happily try it. However, as they were labelled as beef burgers it has caused a great uproar not least for Tesco themselves. It is also dangerous, for example for those with allergies may have had a reaction.

This did however remind me of a funny story. My parents once visited a restaurant in France which had a menu in both English and French, On the English side one item was labelled 'Beef Burger' on the other 'Hamburger du Cheval' French for horse) This seems to be the same as Tesco, just on a smaller scale.

Tesco: Horse's Friend or Foe?

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Test Success!

Just a quick note to say that I passed my driving lesson today! Am really pleased with myself even if it is second time round! :p I have been driving on and off for about 9 months now, so I am pleased to finally have it sorted now!

Monday 14 January 2013

Holly Boxall - Up and coming designer

I have known Holly for years and years and she has always been really into her fashion, she even made her own prom dress! She is studying at uni to become a fashion designer and I am always seeing her new creations. Here is a small sample of the stuff she has made, Here is her blog if you like what you see. or

Awesome super high sky-scraper heels
Paper craft dress <3

Lovely flouro collection for college

As I said, check her out, you'll hear about her in a few years anyhow

Saturday 12 January 2013

From Disaster Comes Renewed Love

Last night my boyfriend arrived at the scene of a crime as he walked home. It was a stabbing and the victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

It turns out two Big Issue sellers were stabbed on streets close to each other, the suspect was arrested outside the cinema my Boyfriend was in.

This horrific incident has really made me think. It is so important to make sure the people you love know it. This stabbing could so easily have been him, luckily it wasn't, and luckily he knows how I feel about him, but the 'what ifs' tell a different story.

So I urge you, don't leave someone on an argument, and don't go without telling someone you love them, just in case.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Argiel Del Mundo - You Saw Him Here First!

This guy is a great artist and photographer that went to my college. His stuff is amazing, and if you like this you should definitely check out his website

This photo is actually of a good friend of mine, and she looks stunning in it! The light falls really well and the wind adds depth to the photo.

The Teenage Mind. I love the monochrome with bright colour splashes.
Man in a Suit
I love the shadows in this one, completely in the spirit of the masquerade ball!

There is plenty more stuff where this came from, check it out!

Gun Nuts Should Disown Alex Jones

Gun-nuts across America are probably cursing Alex Jones right now, and if they aren't they certainly should be. He has done far more harm to the cause than good.

For those of you out of sync with American news, Alex Jones appeared on Piers Morgan's show to defend his standpoint on the gun row gripping the USA in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. Instead of presenting a rational argument and having a healthy debate with Morgan, Jones launched into a 10 minute tirade on guns, admitting he owns 50 guns 'to protect his family' and attacking Morgan personally.

Both sides of the debate on guns have perfectly reasonable and rational arguments, so those level headed pro-gun supporters will be keen to denounce Alex Jones from their cause.

My biggest concern on this matter is about a man with such a short fuse being allowed one gun, let alone 50. It won't be long before an accident occurs, or worse, a repeat of one of the many gun rampages that have taken place in the USA. Also, how big a family does he have, that he needs 50 guns to protect them, is he perhaps Mormon?

My reserved opinion on the matter of guns is a typically British one, and I believe that had gun regulation been tighter, the tragedy of Sandy Hook may have been avoided. I am not suggesting no guns at all, merely that there should be more regulation on who can buy, own and sell them. This opinion was strengthened after Alex Jones' rant, as if he is allowed to own guns, I would worry for the safety of those around him.

If Alex Jones wishes to help the 'Right to bear arms' he should probably announce a change in heart, no one wants that guy on their side.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Happy Birthday Bowie!


Happy 66th Birthday David Bowie! And I am loving the new single and cannot wait for the album in March! A true music legend!

Is Cut4Bieber the Most Heartbreaking Hashtag Ever?

After finding out about Cut4Bieber last night, and doing a little research, I felt the need to express my opinion on it.
For those of you who don't know, Cut4Bieber was triggered by photographs of Justin Bieber supposedly smoking marijuana. His fans, or 'beliebers' as they call themselves, overreacted in their usual style. Many fans have begun posting pictures of them cutting themselves in an urge to stop him smoking.
This is obviously disturbing to hear, that teenage girls are doing this to themselves over a distant pop star who does not even know they exist.
I really worry for the mental health of these girls, as this severe overreaction appears to show over attachment and obsessive behaviour, with clear mental instability. These girls should not be ridiculed or laughed at, they need to be helped and learn the more important things in life.

Another distressing thing is the effect it may have on Justin Bieber  himself. Although I personally do not like him, and he does need to accept he is a role model for a very young audience, the pressure of this is not fair to put on anybody. He should be able to make his own choices, and his own mistakes, without fear that those actions will result in distant strangers self-harming. His fans should think about the effect these actions have on their supposed love.

Sorry to bring such a serious tone to this blog, but this is a very evocative subject, and these people need help. As well as this, Justin Bieber obviously needs to be very careful of his actions in the future.

Monday 7 January 2013

Don't Go Hating On January

The January blues. Sure they exist, but do they have to? Why are we looking at January as a cold, unfriendly, post-christmas dissapointment? January has so much to offer! A fresh start is great I'm sure. New Year resolutions are brilliant, if you can keep them. But what I think is great about January, winter in general, is the excuse to stay in, curl up with a book and stay warm.

comfy cozy 23 Cold outside? Think cozy (24 photos)       Hot Chocolate?

comfy cozy 1 Cold outside? Think cozy (24 photos)
Or Tea?


Or a Book?
Snuggle by the fire?
Or find that special someone to snuggle with?
In conclusion: January is awesome, embrace it!

Postsecret Of The Week

Once, on the train, I sat there reading my book, while the old lady next to me played angry birds on her iPhone

If You Like It Then You Should Have Put a Ring On It

I always find it difficult to wear rings, but I think I may have come up with a solution. This is only £15 from accesorize and is silver, so no nasty green tinge on your finger. Watch this space to see if the ring stays!